Supporting high quality environmental disclosure in Thailand







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Driving Thailand's transition towards a low-carbon economy by building capacity of the private sector, financial institutions, policymakers and regulators on TCFD disclosures and reporting.

In the first year, the project delivered an introductory capacity building programme to enhance the capacity of financial and corporate organisations in Thailand and Indonesia. The programme helped to measure and report climate risks, aligned with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.


Due to stakeholders’ demand, the project expanded its capacity building programme in Thailand for a second year. It focused on enhancing the knowledge and understanding of TCFD-aligned data among the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other policy actors. The goal was to improve the policymaking process and strengthen disclosure practices to support the priorities outlined in the Sustainable Finance Initiatives for Thailand roadmap.


Specific actions were also designed and implemented to explore and embed Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) values, principles, and learning. By enhancing the adoption of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and TCFD frameworks in identifying greener and sustainable finance in Thailand, the project facilitated the shift in investments towards a low-carbon and more inclusive economy.


The project was delivered by CDP Worldwide in partnership with CDP Worldwide Hong Kong and The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

“The project would have not been possible without UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund initiatives and CDP’s efforts. Capacity building and instruments provided by CDP enhance the business awareness to environmental disclosure in alignment with TCFD recommendations. This collaboration is essential for business sector to further develop climate-related disclosure, integrating sustainability into their agenda and operations.”

Jomkwan Kongsakul

Deputy Secretary General, Security and Exchange Commission Thailand



  • The SEC is urging Thai Financial Institutions (FIs) and corporates to report their climate-related risk following the disclosure guidelines
  • However, capacity gaps remain among Thai corporates around global ESG standards, TCFD disclosure and reporting, and best practices to promote a low-carbon economy in Thailand
  • Climate risk awareness, management, target setting, and transition plans need to be strengthened to ensure long-term financial growth
  • Regulators and policymakers are only starting to familiarise with evolving practices in environmental disclosure regulations. They need support to better evaluate international best practice and regulatory options for developing and implementing a mandatory environmental disclosure regime In Thailand in alignment with the TCFD recommendations
TCFD implementation roadmap

providing guidance to the SEC guidance on developing a mandatory, TCFD-aligned disclosure regime

Policy brief

to enhance the knowledge of corporates, financial institutions, investors, regulators, and policymakers on sustainable finance taxonomies

TCFD guide for corporates

providing guidance for Thai companies at various stages of environmental maturity with suggested next steps and areas to focus on environmental actions and initiatives

Capacity building

activities targeting Thai corporates, SEC staff and policymakers to enhance understanding of TCFD and environmental disclosure and reporting

Project achievements

The project worked closely with SEC to support Thai stakeholders (FIs, corporates, policymakers, and regulators) to improve their capacity, knowledge, and skills in TCFD-aligned disclosures and beyond:

  • In the first project phase, three sets of workshops were held: beginner TCFD and ESG workshops, advanced TCFD and ESG workshops, and capital markets workshops. These aimed to enhance TCFD reporting and ESG metrics knowledge at all levels. The project also followed up with stakeholders in a further round of workshops as part of the CDP disclosure cycle
  • During the second implementation year, three workshops were held for Thai-listed companies, FIs, corporates, policymakers, and regulators. These workshops built on the lessons from the first project phase and from the CDP reporting
  • The project also produced three reports: 1.) An initial report on the readiness and capacity needs of corporates and Fis in Thailand; 2.) a TCFD roadmap to help corporates better understand the current regulatory trend of sustainability disclosure, key concepts, core elements of TCFD recommendations and key actions to advance their TCFD disclosure journey; 3.) a policy brief to support regulators and policymakers in building better knowledge and understanding of the relevance of TCFD-aligned data throughout the policymaking process
  • A 2022 analysis of Thai companies’ CDP responses was prepared for SEC's internal use. It provided an overview and high-level analysis of the companies' performance against the TCFD recommendations, compared to global peers
  • A record-high disclosure growth rate of Thai companies on climate change was 53%. An increase from 64% in 2021 to 98% in 2022 was gained. Manufacturing, materials & food, and beverage & agriculture were the top three disclosing sectors
GESI included in workshops

covering best practices in GESI implementation and common challenges in GESI practice in the context of climate disclosure and reporting

Women leadership in SEC

was brought to the forefront for the first time, with a focus on improving internal policies and ambitions related to female leadership

GESI report

identifying corporates who have started a ‘GESI journey’ to highlight progress and best practices

Internal GESI training

with CDP staff to improve their understanding of GESI topics and best practices in embedding GESI considerations into projects

GESI highlights

The project sought to integrate GESI considerations throughout the project implementation and initiated specific actions internally and externally to better embed GESI values and principles:

  • The first workshop explored Thailand's GESI context and reporting requirements, followed by exemplary GESI implementation and common challenges in GESI practice. The session also covered the future of GESI and encouraged more companies to translate GESI from theory into practice
  • Desk-based research was conducted to identify GESI-frontrunners amongst CDP Thai disclosers and results were summarised in an internal report "GESI Performance Amongst Thai CDP Reporters 2022". The report aimed to present GESI actions and pathways that selected Thai companies followed
  • CDP also held internal GESI training to support GESI integration across the organisation beyond the scope of this project. CDP worked closely with the SEC to understand internal policies and its ambitions regarding women’s leadership and the promotion/adoption of GESI principles

Forward look

The project enhanced TCFD knowledge and increased transparency and high-quality disclosure for all stakeholders to drive Thailand's transition towards a low-carbon economy. However, a systematic and ongoing engagement with key players is crucial in achieving a broader consensus on environmental disclosure.

GESI topics were addressed and efforts to incorporate them into all aspects of the project were made during the project implementation. The project aimed to raise awareness of GESI components and achieve engagement with the project stakeholders. Learnings from this work will be shared with CDP leadership to encourage further thinking on embedding GESI in programming work. CDP is currently recruiting for a GESI/DEI specialist, and are in the process of establishing a core working group that will direct, champion, and disseminate the work of this specialist.

More work is needed to strengthen and deepen stakeholders' understanding, knowledge and skills on the agreed project outcomes and themes, including GESI.

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