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The UK and Kenya have committed to work together to accelerate action on climate change while creating green jobs, and UK PACT is key to delivering this partnership.

Kenya has demonstrated regional leadership in tackling climate change and encouraging climate-resilient growth. This shared vision has resulted in a history of successful collaboration through the Energy Transition Council, the Economic Partnership Agreement and the UK-Kenya Strategic Partnership 2020-2025. The two countries will work together to demonstrate global leadership on climate and environmental issues by: deploying expertise on climate finance, resilience and adaptation, renewable energy, biodiversity, and science and technology; creating green jobs; and facilitating peer learning. 

Kenya’s Nationally Determined Contribution has committed the country to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 32% by 2030. Through its first round of funding, Kenya-UK PACT is supporting nine projects in two priority sectors: clean energy and nature-based solutions (forestry and land use). You can learn about these projects in the carousel below.

Call for Proposals

The Kenya-UK PACT call for proposals on Nature-based solutions is now closed. The deadline for submitting your application was on 18 March 2022 at 23.59 EAT / 20.59 GMT

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Portfolio of projects

The current Kenya-UK PACT portfolio consists of projects across two sectors:

Kenya funding infographic 2023 v2


How we are making an impact through our projects

Our projects respond to Kenya's priorities in the energy and nature-based solutions sectors which will have the greatest impact in supporting Kenya achieve its carbon reduction targets.

Improving measurement for payments to reduce emissions and strengthen sinks (IMPRESS)

Led by: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Unlocking private investment in commercial forestry to deliver on Kenya’s climate strategy

Led by: Gatsby Africa

Kenya Counties Programme for Decentralised Energy Systems (CODES) - County Energy Plan Toolkit

Led by: Ricardo AEA

Accelerating the electrification of cooking in Kenya

Led by: Loughborough University

Enabling green development and recovery in Kitui County through energy planning

Led by: IIED

Design of the national off-grid solar electrification programme

Led by: KPMG

Energy planning tools and data-driven policy-making in Narok County

Led by: Strathmore University

Promoting nature-based solutions for land restoration while strengthening the national monitoring technical working group in Kenya


Kenyan National Energy Planning and support for County-level interfacing on modelling data exchange

Led by: Loughborough University

Accelerating REDD+ in Kenya for equitable climate mitigation and benefits (ClimateARK)

Led by: Conservation International

Delivering NbS through policy, institutional capacity and enhanced monitoring of forest and landscape restoration in Kenya