Nigeria-UK PACT

Nigeria Logo - border-huge

UK PACT is partnering with Nigeria to support the implementation of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and deliver ambitious action on climate mitigation.

The programme is supporting projects that use technical assistance to improve key capabilities, helping Nigeria to accelerate its low-carbon transition and maximise emissions reductions.

Gender, Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) considerations form an integral part of the Nigeria-UK PACT Programme. They work to increase opportunities for women, promote equality for marginalised groups, and reduce discrimination as a co-benefit of its climate mitigation projects.

The UK Government is working with ICF Consulting to deliver the Nigeria-UK PACT programme as part of the UK’s International Climate Finance portfolio.

Call for Proposals


The Nigeria-UK PACT call for proposals is now closed. The deadline for submitting your application was 02 November 2021.

Portfolio of projects

The current Nigeria-UK PACT portfolio consists of projects across two sectors:

Website infographic


What are the focus areas?

The focus areas of Nigeria-UK PACT have been selected to complement the mitigation targets of Nigeria’s recent NDC and fund projects that will have a significant impact on high-priority sectors for Nigeria's low-carbon transition. Nigeria-UK PACT is supporting projects that propose innovative ways to accelerate energy efficiency and encourage nature-based solutions.

Accelerating energy efficiency icon

Accelerating energy efficiency

As Nigeria becomes more prosperous and its population grows, more housing and home products will be needed. Projects responding to this focus area will help enable the financing and adoption of healthier, more energy efficient and sustainable buildings and appliances by boosting knowledge, awareness and expertise amongst key stakeholders at national and sub-national level.

Accelerating energy efficiency (.pdf)


Nature-based solutions

Nigerian ecosystems (such as mangroves in the Niger-Delta) are constantly under threat from climate change, impacting the wellbeing and resilience of the millions of citizens whose livelihoods depend on farming and fisheries. Agriculture, forestry and land-use account for about 25% of total emissions, making Nature-Based Solutions another priority area in Nigeria’s NDC. Projects in this area will help accelerate the adoption of sustainable land management practices that have a climate mitigation impact.

Nature-based solutions (.pdf)