Promoting nature-based solutions for land restoration while strengthening the national monitoring technical working group in Kenya

Sector:  Nature

“This project will implement gender-responsive, context appropriate nature-based solutions that contribute to climate resilience, livelihood enhancement and land restoration. Additionally, it will work with national and sub-national (County) governments to strengthen County Environment Committees for effective mainstreaming of forest and landscape restoration to enable the realisation of the national ambition of growing 15 billion trees, 30% tree cover and restoring 10.6million hectares of degraded landscapes by 2032.” - Catherine, Muthuri, Project Manager, World Agroforestry (ICRAF)

The project focus is to build on the investments of the first phase that established the forest and landscape restoration technical working group (TWG) and engaged in gender transformative work. The extension will further underpin the national restoration monitoring and reporting system in Kenya by strengthening of County Environment Committee (CEC) governance structure and intergovernmental collaboration. It will also undertake capacity strengthening in water management, tree growing, wood fuel management and soil and land health in Makueni County.  This will result in co-designing and promotion of gender-responsive, context-appropriate sustainable water, tree and wood fuel management restoration activities and knowledge products that enable their scaling.  

