Strengthening the national restoration monitoring technical working group and promoting land restoration







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Promoting nature-based solutions for land restoration while strengthening the national restoration monitoring technical working group to tackle widespread land degradation in Kenya.

In Kenya, forest and landscape restoration (FLR) efforts have largely been fragmented, hindering credible tracking and reporting on restoration and climate-related commitments. In addition, contextual and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) considerations are rarely applied in restoration initiatives.  


This project focused on identifying and implementing context-appropriate and gender responsive restoration options in Makueni county for upscaling to other counties. It also aimed to strengthen capacity of stakeholders in the use of Gender Transformative approaches (GTA) for land restoration, and establish a national landscape restoration monitoring technical working group (TWG). The TWG aims to enable the country to develop a credible national landscape monitoring and reporting system on FLR and climate-related commitments. The TWG formed through the project will continue to be pivotal in supporting coordinated tracking, assessment, learning and reporting of restoration-related commitments for Kenya. 


Key project outcomes included formation and operationalisation of the TWG, leading to the development of an integrated monitoring and reporting framework and a trend analysis report synthesising 47 county engagements. In addition, the project developed an Options by Context (OxC) guide (English and Kiswahili versions), Gender InfoBrief and videos on nature-based solutions and GTA. The project increased stakeholder capacity for monitoring and reporting on FLR, uptake and scaling of context-appropriate and gender-transformative restoration approaches, policy influencing and sustained action on climate change.  


This project was delivered by ICRAF. The project collaborated with several international organisations and national agencies to form the Landscape Restoration Monitoring TWG. 

"I applaud the many actors drawn from various sectors involved in the consultation processes and development of the framework for integrated monitoring of Forest and Landscape Restoration."

Julius Kamau

Chief Conservator of Forests, Kenya Forest Service



  • More than 30% of Kenya’s landmass is estimated to be severely degraded, impacting livelihoods and costing the country’s economy an estimated 3% of GDP annually
  • FLR methods could be used to tackle this, however FLR efforts among different agencies so far have largely been uncoordinated
  • This has created the need for a more collaborative, aligned and operationalised monitoring and reporting framework on government commitments
  • Additionally, most restoration initiatives do not consider context and gender aspects
  • Inclusive FLR efforts that are responsive to specific contexts can be used to address escalating land degradation and climate change-related shocks that will otherwise continue to negatively impact the environment and livelihoods
National Landscape Restoration Monitoring TWG

This multi-stakeholder TWG formed through the project by Ministry of Environment and Forestry supported the finalisation of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Implementation Plan 2022-26

FLR Monitoring Framework developed

FOLAREP and FLR Monitoring Framework will guide actors in tracking progress and reporting national restoration targets, and enable actors to better assess restorative efforts

Restoration monitoring indicators

Proposed restoration monitoring indicators for Kenya alongside draft FOLAREP. The indicators were subjected to participatory county engagement workshops in 47 counties

A guide for Options by Context (OxC)

Data from the past Dryland Restoration Project was analysed and validated through a co-design workshop to develop a OxC approach guide

Project achievements

The project carried out an analysis of Options by Context (OxC) based on collation and analyses of datasets under the past IFAD-EC Dryland Restoration Project to identify an initial set of restoration options, with specific attention to their gender and social dimensions. Insights from the analysis were presented and validated through a co-design workshop, informing the development of OxC matrices on restoration practices. Key outputs included:

  • The formation of the national landscape restoration monitoring TWG with membership from state and non-state actors by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The TWG supported the finalisation of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Implementation plan 2022-2026 (FOLAREP) and FLR monitoring framework for Kenya
  • The TWG held a series of meetings to develop and propose restoration monitoring indicators for Kenya which, alongside the draft FOLAREP, were subjected to county engagement workshops in seven regions covering all 47 counties in the country. These workshops aimed to obtain counties’ perspectives on land restoration, including stakeholder mapping and monitoring indicators, receiving feedback on the proposed FOLAREP, and building stakeholders’ capacity on restoration monitoring tools
  • The project also promoted GTA and OxC analysis to ensure that gender and social inclusion priorities are recognised and catered for in future restoration efforts, and to create lessons for sustainability and wider scaling
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people reached through multi-stakeholder workshops to identify imbalances in workloads and decision-making power within households


people trained as trainers of trainers (ToTs) on the use of ‘community dialogues’ – a gender transformative approach for land restoration


community members in Kalawa/Mako and Mbooni East sub-counties participated in ToT organised training


informative knowledge products developed to promote Gender Transformative Approaches and to ensure that GESI is included in future restoration efforts

GESI highlights

The project promoted the GTA to ensure that GESI priorities are embedded in future restoration efforts, alongside lessons for long-term sustainability and wider scaling of results. This was delivered through a series of multi-stakeholder workshops reaching over 300 counterparts across Mbooni East and Kibwezi East sub-counties, with outputs including:

  • Creative ways of identifying imbalances in workloads and decision-making power within households, reflecting on how such inequalities present potential challenges for land restoration, and discussing the changes men and women want to see
  • Households reached through these workshops have since started embracing joint decision-making and equitable benefit sharing for land restoration
  • The ToTs at reflection workshops also reported increased gender participation in community public meetings where more women and young voices are now being heard

The project also encouraged ToTs to organise into groups, adapt activities and design their own training events. For example, groups of ToTs in Kalawa/Mako, Mbooni East held training events with minimal support from the project, reaching 56 community members. The lessons learnt, particularly from the OxC and reflective workshop on GTA, significantly contributed to the production of a wide range of knowledge products aimed at increasing awareness, capacity, and scaling of context-appropriate and gender-transformative restoration approaches in Makueni County and beyond. These include an OxC approach field guide in English and Kiswahili, a Gender InfoBrief, and two videos.

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Forward look

The project identified key recommendations for stakeholders involved in land restoration:

  • The TWG requires support to operationalise FOLAREP and capacity strengthening on FLR monitoring and reporting at the county and national levels
  • The monitoring and reporting framework should be cascaded to the sub-national level and County Environment Committee where FLR is domiciled
  • Scale up activities through existing administrative structures and groups, and engage with administrators to ensure support and buy-in
  • Work closely with local government officers across various departments, including those related to gender, youth, and social services to embed GESI strategies
  • Conduct reflection workshops to capture lessons and act on key recommendations
  • Having dedicated GESI work packages as well as mainstreaming GESI across project activities is critical when matching restoration options to local context
  • Initiating open community dialogue and raising awareness of gender inequality is key to changing narratives and achieving equitable and sustainable restoration outcomes

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