Country Funds
Application Process

The UK PACT Country Funds use an open, competitive grant facility to award funding to applicants who will deliver projects that enable, incentivise, and empower key stakeholders to take action on emissions reductions. The priorities for each country programme are based on the needs and priorities identified with key stakeholders in partner countries.

Brazil-UK PACT

UK PACT is partnering with Brazil, a country with a strong commitment to action on climate change and sustainable growth.


China has the opportunity to play a critical and fundamental role in tackling climate change, through its influence and approach domestically, regionally and globally.

Applications closed 11 August 2020

UK PACT Colombia

UK PACT has partnered with Colombia, a country with a strong commitment to international and domestic action on climate change and sustainable growth.

Applications closed 16 February 2024

UK PACT Indonesia

Indonesia has great potential for a low-carbon transition in the urban transport sector and UK PACT is proud to support progress on this. Applications now open.

Applications closed January 2022


The UK and Kenya have committed to work together to accelerate action on climate change while creating green jobs, and UK PACT is key to delivering this partnership. The deadline for applications is 18 March 2022.

Applications closed 18 March 2022

UK PACT Malaysia

Malaysia has seen significant shifts in the climate governance landscape over the last few years and UK PACT is proud to be a partner in further accelerating strategic climate action.

Applications closed December 2020

UK PACT Mexico

UK PACT has partnered with Mexico, a country with a rich history of commitment to climate action and deep history of alliance with the UK.

Applications closed 13 August 2020

Nigeria-UK PACT

UK PACT is partnering with Nigeria to support the implementation of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and deliver ambitious action on climate mitigation.

Applications closed in 2021

UK PACT South Africa

UK PACT has partnered with South Africa to support action on just transition pathways and a low-carbon economic recovery.

Applications closed 15 September 2023