Led by: DNA Economics |
Sector: Finance |
This project will develop a tool for companies and financial institutions to effectively consider climate-related financial risks and opportunities (CFROs) when making investment decisions. This will enable investors to factor climate risk into investment decisions and adjust investment patterns to avoid carbon locked investments and the chance of stranded assets later on.
“The goal is to embed the detailed, useful and timeous disclosure of climate-related financial risks and opportunities as an accepted norm in South Africa, mirroring the experience of international markets like the UK and EU.”
- Brent Cloete, Project Lead, DNA Economics
UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions) is a unique capacity-building programme. Jointly governed and funded by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) through the UK's International Climate Finance, it works in partnership with countries with high emissions reduction potential to support them to implement and increase their ambitions for tackling climate change.
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