Kenya-UK PACT Call for Proposals: Clean energy transition

The Kenya-UK PACT call for proposals for the clean energy transition sector is now open. The deadline for submitting proposals is on 29 January 2025 at 17:00 EAT / 14:00 UTC. 
Answers to consolidated clarification questions submitted to will be accessible on this page below and will be updated on 8 and 20 January 2025.

The UK Government is looking to extend its UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT) programme in Kenya with technical assistance and capacity-building projects supporting the clean energy transition sector.

What are we looking for?

As a demand-led programme, the Kenya-UK PACT Country Fund aims to align its support with the Government of Kenya’s existing plans and policies. Through consultation with the Government of Kenya, UK PACT has identified key opportunities in the clean energy transition. We are looking to award grant funding for projects aimed at providing technical assistance and capacity-building to support a low-carbon transition.

The following project areas have been identified for funding within this Call for Proposals:

  • Clean cooking: enhancement of local manufacturing and energy crop cultivation for clean cooking supply chains
  • Clean cooking: accelerating clean cooking adoption - A data-driven approach and capacity building
  • Integrated national energy planning: technical support for integrated energy planning
  • Off-grid solutions: fostering clean energy entrepreneurship - a youth focused approach
  • Off-grid solutions: accelerating rural and urban electrification with innovative energy technologies 

Individual application links for each of these projects can be found under the “How to apply” section for each project, below.

Application specifications

For full details, please consult the Terms of Reference (ToR) and Applicant Handbook linked below.

How much should each project cost? 

Up to £500,000 per financial year, per project (i.e., the budget ceiling for two years would be £1,000,000). Higher budget projects may be considered on an exceptional basis depending on proposed activities and value for money against expected outcomes.

What type of activities are we looking to fund?

The following project areas have been identified for funding within this call for proposals:

  • Enhancement of local manufacturing and energy crop cultivation for clean cooking supply chains: Strengthening the capacity of local manufacturers in the clean cooking sector to design, produce and meet quality standards for clean cooking appliances that meet both domestic and international market demands; and Stimulating market demand for clean cooking appliances and energy crops while facilitating trade linkages to support the growth of the sector.
  • Accelerating clean cooking adoption: A data-driven approach and capacity building: Strengthening policy frameworks, enhance data-driven decision-making, and build the capacity of county governments and local stakeholders to implement clean cooking solutions effectively.
  • Technical support for integrated energy planning: Strengthening institutional capacity for sustainable energy planning by supporting the development of comprehensive county energy plans, policies, and implementation strategies including resource mobilisation plans and investment prospectuses and associated capacity building.
  • Fostering clean energy entrepreneurship: A youth focused approach — encouraging innovation and the development of cutting-edge clean energy technology enterprises by young people.
  • Accelerating rural and urban electrification with innovative energy technologies: Bridging innovative energy technologies with national policy goals, and addressing the growing need for renewable energy solutions in off-grid areas and communities that lack reliable access to electricity.

Each of these projects has specific expected outputs and interventions. Kenya-UK PACT welcomes creativity, expansion and additional suggestions from the market that cover the stated interventions as a minimum. Applicants may submit proposals for more than one project, noting that each project is distinct, and that each proposal should address only one project. Each proposal will be assessed independently.

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call.

How long can each project be? 

Project durations differ and guidelines are provided within each project’s detailed terms of reference. Typically, projects will run for 12-22 months. All projects are assumed to have a start date in May 2025.

Can a consortium apply? 

Yes, we welcome applications from consortia. As of 2024, organisations registered as for-profit organisations are eligible to be the lead Implementing Partner of a proposal/consortium, however, projects must be delivered on a not-for-profit basis. We encourage consortia to have at least one local partner.

What type of organisations can apply? 

We invite all organisations with relevant experience in delivering technical assistance and capacity-building projects in the clean energy transition sectors to register. This could be think-tanks, consultancies, academic institutions, community organisations, NGOs, professional associations, or any similar organisations that have the knowledge, skills and experience to deliver an eligible project. 

Proposals led by private sector entities are now welcomed for UK PACT (a change from 2023), however, conditions apply.

Government agencies and Government departments are not eligible to receive UK PACT funding.

In our commitment to the localisation of delivery, additional consideration will be given to consortia which include local organisations, women-owned entities, youth-owned entities, and entities owned by people with disabilities.

What type of costs are eligible?

All projects must be delivered on a not-for-profit basis. Eligible costs will include:

  • Consultancy and/or staff time required to deliver activities
  • Reasonable travel and subsistence costs
  • Other costs directly related to activities and outputs (workshops, seminars, production of reports, translation etc.)

We cannot award funding for infrastructure, hardware, or for tangible assets.

For further details, please refer to the UK PACT Applicant Handbook and Budget Template which reflect FCDO grant management rules applicable to this programme.

Application timeline

Kenya UK PACT CET sector 2024 v3

Answers to consolidated clarification questions submitted to will be accessible on this page and will be updated on 8 and 20 January 2025.

Please refer to the correct heading below to find the details and application link of the project you are interested in applying for.

How to apply for Project 1: Enhancement of local manufacturing and energy crop cultivation for clean cooking supply chains

This section clarifies how to apply for Project 1: Enhancement of local manufacturing and energy crop cultivation for clean cooking supply chains.

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals. Applicants should read the Terms of Reference and Applicant Handbook to understand what is required to submit a strong proposal for this call.

To start your application process, fill in the templates below and then submit the form linked. After submitting the form, you will receive an email containing a link to upload your application pack. The following documents form your application pack and must be downloaded, completed in English, and submitted via the link sent to your email, after submitting the form below.

All the guidance you will need to make an application can be found here:

Click here to apply

The deadline for submitting proposals is on 29 January 2025 at 17:00 EAT / 14:00 UTC. Submissions will not be considered if the application pack has not been uploaded or if they are received after the deadline.

If you run into any issues with accessing or sharing the relevant templates, please contact before the deadline.

How to apply for Project 2: Accelerating clean cooking adoption: A data-driven approach and capacity building.

This section clarifies how to apply for Project 2: Accelerating clean cooking adoption: A data-driven approach and capacity building.

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals. Applicants should read the Terms of Reference and Applicant Handbook to understand what is required to submit a strong proposal for this call.

To start your application process, fill in the templates below and then submit the form linked. After submitting the form, you will receive an email containing a link to upload your application pack. The following documents form your application pack and must be downloaded, completed in English, and submitted via the link sent to your email, after submitting the form below.

All the guidance you will need to make an application can be found here:

Click here to apply

The deadline for submitting proposals is on 29 January 2025 at 17:00 EAT / 14:00 UTC. Submissions will not be considered if the application pack has not been uploaded or if they are received after the deadline.

If you run into any issues with accessing or sharing the relevant templates, please contact before the deadline.

How to apply for Project 3: Technical support for integrated energy planning

This section clarifies how to apply for Project 3: Technical support for integrated energy planning

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals. Applicants should read the Terms of Reference and Applicant Handbook to understand what is required to submit a strong proposal for this call.

To start your application process, fill in the templates below and then submit the form linked. After submitting the form, you will receive an email containing a link to upload your application pack. The following documents form your application pack and must be downloaded, completed in English, and submitted via the link sent to your email, after submitting the form below.

All the guidance you will need to make an application can be found here:

Click here to apply

The deadline for submitting proposals is on 29 January 2025 at 17:00 EAT / 14:00 UTC. Submissions will not be considered if the application pack has not been uploaded or if they are received after the deadline.

If you run into any issues with accessing or sharing the relevant templates, please contact before the deadline.

How to apply for Project 4: Fostering clean energy entrepreneurship — a youth focused approach

This section clarifies how to apply for Project 4: Fostering clean energy entrepreneurship — a youth focused approach

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals. Applicants should read the Terms of Reference and Applicant Handbook to understand what is required to submit a strong proposal for this call.

To start your application process, fill in the templates below and then submit the form linked. After submitting the form, you will receive an email containing a link to upload your application pack. The following documents form your application pack and must be downloaded, completed in English, and submitted via the link sent to your email, after submitting the form below.

All the guidance you will need to make an application can be found here:

Click here to apply

The deadline for submitting proposals is on 29 January 2025 at 17:00 EAT / 14:00 UTC. Submissions will not be considered if the application pack has not been uploaded or if they are received after the deadline.

If you run into any issues with accessing or sharing the relevant templates, please contact before the deadline.

How to apply for Project 5: Accelerating rural and urban electrification with innovative energy technologies

This section clarifies how to apply for Project 5: Accelerating rural and urban electrification with innovative energy technologies

Projects will be selected through a one-stage open and competitive call for proposals. Applicants should read the Terms of Reference and Applicant Handbook to understand what is required to submit a strong proposal for this call.

To start your application process, fill in the templates below and then submit the form linked. After submitting the form, you will receive an email containing a link to upload your application pack. The following documents form your application pack and must be downloaded, completed in English, and submitted via the link sent to your email, after submitting the form below.

All the guidance you will need to make an application can be found here:

Click here to apply

The deadline for submitting proposals is on 29 January 2025 at 17:00 EAT / 14:00 UTC. Submissions will not be considered if the application pack has not been uploaded or if they are received after the deadline.

If you run into any issues with accessing or sharing the relevant templates, please contact before the deadline.

Market engagement event

At the market engagement event on 5 December 2024, we shared details about the contents of the call for proposals, eligibility and how to apply.

You can watch the recording here and download the presentation slides here.

Click here to read the event questions and answers

Click here to read the follow up questions and answers

Click here to read the final clarification questions and answers

Eligibility checker

Want to check if your project is eligible before applying? Use the quick check list below. You can find more about eligibility for this call, and for UK PACT funding by reading our Applicant Handbook and Terms of Reference.

Q. Is your project aligned to at least one of the areas of interventions of the call?

Yes No

This indicates that your project may be eligible. Please proceed to the next question.

Unfortunately, this makes your project ineligible.

Q. Is the value of your project up to £500,000 per financial year and up to 2 years?

Yes No

This indicates that your project may be eligible. Please proceed to the next question.

Unfortunately, this makes your project ineligible.

Q. Is your organisation eligible to apply for UK PACT funding and on a not-for-profit-basis? Note that public entities, government agencies and/or departments are not eligible.

Yes No

This indicates that your project may be eligible. Please proceed to the next question.

Unfortunately, this makes your project ineligible.

Q. Are your project activities and costs eligible? Please note: we cannot award funding for infrastructure projects or for tangible assets and profit is not eligible cost in UK PACT budgets, either as a direct cost or within overheads.

Yes No

This indicates that your project may be eligible. Please proceed to the next question.

Unfortunately, this makes your project ineligible.

Answering yes to all the questions above indicates that your project is eligible to apply for funding. Apply via the link above.

Answering no to any question above indicates that your organisation or project is not eligible for funding at this time. Please re-visit our guidance documents carefully to find out how to design a UK PACT project.